Tuesday, May 19, 2009

India Is Wasting Time By Not Hanging Kasab

Mohammad Ajmal Amir Kasab's lawyer Abbas Kazmi is wasting everyone's time. No, we're wasting our own time sitting around watching Kazmi play games in court. Defending a Pakistani terrorist who giggles like a schoolgirl when the court is in session, and then blurting nonsense like Kasab should get a lifer and not the death penalty, the private lawyer is stretching his few minutes of fame into a soap opera that could last a few hours.

Unless there is more information that needs to be extracted from Kasab, it doesn't make sense to delay his execution. India should learn from Saddam Hussein's hanging, because we don't want an enemy of the nation and his defence lawyer making a mockery of our judicial system.

Written by "Aditya Mehta" exclusively for Blish

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A R Rahman Sucks

May 13, 2009

No sooner had I stopped laughing at music lovers who follow Rahman blindly (deafly), than he himself sat on their shoulders and took a giant dump. I'm talking about Pussycat Dolls' version of the most overrated song of the decade, which would make only those with Down's Syndrome feel thoroughly entertained.

The song is already low on quality, and now remixed by PCD with the maestro smiling for no reason looks like it was designed to excite morons. The lead singer of PCD is singing below-average lyrics and Rahman makes a peek-a-boo appearance every once in awhile to lip sync Jai Ho.

And to think I used to admire the fellow like crazy at some point.

More disheartening than the poor music is to read and hear news of Rahman collaborating with people with zero talent. I mean, Pussycat Dolls? Even Girls Aloud would be cool, at least you can drool over Cheryl Tweedy Cole with Rahman's music on mute. Wouldn't that make all of us go "Jai Ho!"?

But seriously, Rahman should team up with musicians that would bring out the best in him, instead of giving him just about enough footage to feel shy and smile like an ape.

I hope Michael Jackson's new album is really good, for he has a lot more to prove than Rahman. MJ hasn't done anything worth speaking of in a long time, and something on the level of Thriller, Bad and Dangerous would be super.

Now that we're talking of two top-notch music makers, that they've both converted to another religion needs to be brought up. Religion-bashing is my favourite thing besides my girlfriend and heavy metal, and people hopping out of one sh*t-hole only to jump into another generates ample amusement. Whatever their reason, converting to another religion is implying you couldn't grasp anything worthwhile from life on your own merit so you need a new faith.

Now that's just slap-worthy if you ask me, but no one's asking me so I should buzz off!

Coming soon... Slap Him, He's Gujju!

DISCLAIMER: These views are my own, and my employers don't agree with me. You shouldn't, either.

Click here to read the original post on Buzz18

Why Is Alistair Pereira Not In Jail?

Unless you suffer from a memory problem, you should have no trouble remembering who Alistair Pereira is. Alistair Pereira is the piece of shit who killed seven people sleeping on a pavement. But that's not why I hate him - I have nothing against drinking or killing people. I hate the fellow because I was fined for riding drunk a few minutes away from my house just a few days/weeks after his silly act.

I'd had two drinks, I wasn't even buzzing, I was in total control of my bike (Satanic War Machine), I just wanted to go home. Why the hell should I be stopped and fined?

Just look at the the fat motherfucker.

Either you kill people or you drink, doing both at the same time is disrespectful.

Okay, a serious question - Why is he not in jail?

Here's another pic of the lardass.

Fat Sulking Bastard

He should be imprisoned just for looking like that.

Written by "Aditya Mehta" exclusively for Blish

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